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Gustavo Rivas Gervilla
Research Projects
- (PID2021-126363NB-I00) Análisis Interactivo de Conjuntos de Datos mediante el Uso de Técnicas de Aprendizaje Automático, Lingüística Computacional y Computación Flexible
- Date: 01/09/2022 - 31/08/2025
- Principal Investigator: Sanchez-Fernandez, Daniel / Marín-Ruiz, Nicolás
- Researchers: Pons-Capote, Olga / Medina-Rodriguez, Juan Miguel / Chamorro-Martínez, Jesús / Prados-Suarez, Mª Belen / Serrano-Chica, José María / Molina-Fernández, Carlos / Martínez-Jiménez, Pedro Manuel / Martinez-Cruz, Carmen
- Participants: Rivas-gervilla, Gustavo / Yager-, Ronald / Mengíbar, Míriam
- Formal Concept Analysis for the Generation of Plural Referring Expressions
- DOI:
- Information Sciences vol. 579 (pags 717 - 731)
- Marín-Ruiz, Nicolás / Rivas-Gervilla, Gustavo / Ruiz-Jiménez, María Dolores / Sanchez-Fernandez, Daniel
- Specificity Measures Based on Fuzzy Set Similarity
- DOI: 10.1016/j.fss.2019.06.001
- Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol. 401 (pags 189 - 199)
- Marín-Ruiz, Nicolás / Rivas-Gervilla, Gustavo / Sanchez-Fernandez, Daniel / Yager-, Ronald
- Specificity Measures and Referential Success
- DOI: 10.1109/TFUZZ.2017.2694803
- IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems vol. 26 num. 2 (pags 859 - 868)
- Marín-Ruiz, Nicolás / Rivas-Gervilla, Gustavo / Sanchez-Fernandez, Daniel / Yager-, Ronald
- Referring Expression Generation from Images Via Deep Learning Object Extraction and Fuzzy Graphs (Congreso)
- Chamorro-Martínez, Jesús / Marín-Ruiz, Nicolás / Mengíbar, Míriam / Rivas-gervilla, Gustavo / Sanchez-Fernandez, Daniel
- IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems 2021 - 11/07/2021 - 14/07/2021 (Luxembourd)
- A Preliminary Approach to Referring to Groups of Objects in Images (Congreso)
- Marín-Ruiz, Nicolás / Rivas-gervilla, Gustavo / Sanchez-Fernandez, Daniel
- 29Th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems - 19/07/2020 - 24/07/2020 (Glasgow, Escocia, Reino Unido)
- Referring under Uncertainty (Congreso)
- Marín-Ruiz, Nicolás / Rivas-gervilla, Gustavo / Sanchez-Fernandez, Daniel
- 2019 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems - 23/06/2019 - 26/06/2019 (Nueva Orleans, LA, EEUU)
- Specificity Measures and Reference (Congreso)
- Gatt, Albert / Marín-Ruiz, Nicolás / Rivas-gervilla, Gustavo / Sanchez-Fernandez, Daniel
- 11Th International Conference on Natural Language Generation - 05/11/2018 - 08/11/2018 (Tilburgo, Países Bajos)
- An Approximation to Context-Aware Size Modeling for Referring Expression Generation (Comunicación en congreso)
- Marín-Ruiz, Nicolás / Rivas-gervilla, Gustavo / Sanchez-Fernandez, Daniel
- IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems - 08/07/2018 - 13/07/2018 (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
- Using K-Specificity for the Management of Count Restrictions in Flexible Querying (Comunicación en congreso)
- Marín-Ruiz, Nicolás / Rivas-gervilla, Gustavo / Sanchez-Fernandez, Daniel
- Scalable Uncertainty Management - 04/10/2017 - 06/10/2017 (Granada)
- Referential Success of Set Referring Expressions with Fuzzy Properties (Congreso)
- Marín-Ruiz, Nicolás / Rivas-gervilla, Gustavo / Sanchez-Fernandez, Daniel
- 10Th International Conference on Natural Language Generation - 04/09/2017 - 07/09/2017 (Santiago de Compostela)
- Scene Selection for Teaching Basic Visual Concepts in the Refer4Learning App (Ponencia en Congreso)
- Marín-Ruiz, Nicolás / Rivas-gervilla, Gustavo / Sanchez-Fernandez, Daniel
- IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems 2017 - 09/07/2017 - 12/07/2017 (Naples)
- On Families of Bounded Specificity Measures (Ponencia en Congreso)
- Marín-Ruiz, Nicolás / Rivas-gervilla, Gustavo / Sanchez-Fernandez, Daniel / Yager-, Ronald
- IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems 2017 - 09/07/2017 - 12/07/2017 (Naples)
- A Measure of Referential Success Based on Alpha-Cuts (Congreso)
- Marín-Ruiz, Nicolás / Rivas-gervilla, Gustavo / Sanchez-Fernandez, Daniel
- 10Th Scalable Uncertainty Management - 21/09/2016 - 23/09/2016 (Niza, Francia)
- Using Specificity to Measure Referential Success in Referring Expressions with Fuzzy Properties (Congreso)
- Marín-Ruiz, Nicolás / Rivas-gervilla, Gustavo / Sanchez-Fernandez, Daniel
- 2016 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems - 24/07/2016 - 29/07/2016 (Vancouver, BC, Canada)